Tuesday 16 December 2008


The problem with being able to choose any idea from all the various ones percolating upstairs, is that you can get caught finishing exactly none of them. Focus is a word bandied around often without any real thought to the specific types of application in which it should be used. As regards ideas for myself, it means not being distracted by the latest shiny eureka-moment that comes along, because it may or may not be an idea worth pursuing.

Egotistically I believe many of my ideas are worth using but in reality, and in time with experience, it will no doubt prove to be narcissim. Until I reach that point though it is a challenge to avoid the siren call of possibilities. Yesterday, for instance, I had a quick flash image for a type of story I wouldn't normally consider. The hook, which came to be instantly, is unique as far as I know (which admittedly doesn't say much) and offered several further ideas that really got me thinking. But therein lies the problem, I should have been putting the finishing touches to an 8 page anthology piece. Not a hangable offense certainly, however it is something that would cause problems when I do end up against a deadline. Sorting out how I want to approach new ideas now will hopefully help me further down the road. You can't pitch unfinished ideas after all.

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